Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

It has been a full couple of months. To be honest I can't remember a whole lot of why it has been full, but it seems like they flew by without us evening knowing it. October is already about to come to an end. We have been keeping busy with youth at church, Brannon has been working hard at Clark's Honey Farm and is still making new sales, and of course the boys have kept us busy as well. Towards the end of August Carston started walking everywhere. It was so great to see him learn how to walk, but it sure does get tiring trying to keep up with him. He just can't seem to sit still. It has also been great to see him and Joseph start to play together, even wrestle sometimes. I see a few trips to the hospital in the future if they keep it up.
My sister, Tami, came out for a visit in September, which is ALWAYS fun. My best friend Jacqueline and her mom came out a little over a week ago for a visit. The last time I saw her was back in April I think. We had such a great time. The tour of the bathrooms was especially great. No need to go into detail on that one.
Brannon and I are continuing to learn more about what it means to be a couple in ministry and we are learning more about what it means to truly be obedient to what God is calling us to. It's certainly hard to "sit still" and be patient, but it has been good for us.
Yesterday we took the boys to a pumpkin patch where you can cut your own pumpkin off the vine. The farm is HUGE and they had other fun things to do. For little kids they had a few animals, a small hay bail maze, and a big slide that Joseph went down. He is getting more brave. Several months ago I don't think he would have tried it. It was a perfect day for it. The weather was wonderful. The boys love being outside so as you will see in the video, they had a blast.


tamichiz said...

i loved it....even though it made me cry. 8-) but Christmas isn't very far away!

what's up with dad (or maybe mom) putting an exclamation point after their name? it's be like me doing this.......

miss you guys and love you all lots.
Tami! 8-)

Unknown said...

I'm sitting here in my office tearing up and glad Calvin (the guy I share an office with) isn't in today to see. :) Miss you guys so much, and can't wait for Christmas

The Long Family said...

Love this video. The music and moments are so touching. Loved it!! Miss you guys. See you at Christmas. Can't wait!

Unknown said...

Your boys are so cute. It looked so fun taking them to the pumpkin patch. Micah wants to know who the music was by. :)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hey...are you ever going to update your blog again???? :)